Licensed Mental Health Counselors in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Category Archives: News/Blog

February 2025 – Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

February 2025 – Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Teen Dating Violence: More Common Than We Think One in three teens will experience abuse from a dating partner before reaching adulthood, the unpleasant truth, underscoring the prevalence of teen dating violence (TDV). This number rises to nearly half of young adult women, highlighting the particular vulnerability of girls to intimate partner violence. While dating… Continue Reading

Let’s Do The Time Change Again…

It’s that dreaded time of year again… or it’s your favorite time of year, depending on how the time change has affected you in the past. Most parents, teachers, and medical professionals will tell you that falling back is easier than springing forward, and a lot of people are starting to make sound arguments to… Continue Reading

Telehealth Services

In response to the coronavirus pandemic and in conjunction with CDC protocol, the clinicians at Palmaccio Therapy will offer telehealth services in place of face-to-face appointments.   We are here to provide support in managing stress/anxiety as well as to support continued progress on meeting your counseling goals. If you have any questions, you can contact… Continue Reading

Autumn Reading

Summer flew by and for many it was filled with busy work schedules, getting kids to camp and working in as many barbeques and beach days as possible. Why summer is the time reading lists are popular is puzzling considering that it’s maybe one of the busiest times of the year. Instead, perhaps consider a… Continue Reading

Demystifying Yoga

While yoga has existed for thousands of years, it is a relatively new concept to the Western world. Most of us know the basics – that there are varying positions and meditation involved – however the depth of benefits are somewhat lesser known and the practice in general can seem unapproachable. Many of us can’t… Continue Reading

Curating Your Sensory Diet

Curating Your Sensory Diet

Finding coping skills that work for you or your child can be a daunting task. It is something that takes time, research and a little experimentation. A great way to get started is to consider bodily senses. We humans experience more than just the basic five: touch, taste, sound, sight and smell. We also feel… Continue Reading

Marriage Counseling in South Coast Massachusetts: Getting it Before the Wedding

Marriage Counseling in South Coast Massachusetts: Getting it Before the Wedding

You might think it’s crazy to consider working with marriage counseling therapists before you even walk down the aisle, but due to increasing divorce rates and modern complications in relationships, experts now highly recommend couples therapy and workshops, even for the most committed couples. Southeastern Massachusetts couples counseling should come from licensed, experienced therapists in… Continue Reading

Treatment for Anxiety: Barrington RI – Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Treatment for Anxiety: Barrington RI – Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Therapy through a licensed Barrington, RI psychotherapist is an effective option for many disorders. However, studies show that cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is often more effective for patients than anxiety medication, because it treats the underlying issues that cause the problem instead of just the symptoms. Undergoing therapy with reputable and experienced Rhode Island CBT… Continue Reading

Involving Parents in Counseling for Children in Attleboro, MA

Involving Parents in Counseling for Children in Attleboro, MA

One of the most important things that child or adolescent therapists can do for child patients who are experiencing behavioral or emotional problems is to involve the parents in play therapy and other exercises. This is especially helpful in children under the age of 10, when talk therapy can be limited due to communication issues.… Continue Reading