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February 2025 – Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention

Teen Dating Violence: More Common Than We Think
One in three teens will experience abuse from a dating partner before reaching adulthood, the unpleasant truth, underscoring the prevalence of teen dating violence (TDV). This number rises to nearly half of young adult women, highlighting the particular vulnerability of girls to intimate partner violence. While dating violence can affect anyone – regardless of age, gender, background, or sexual orientation – the consequences, including long-term physical and emotional challenges, extend outward, impacting families, friends, and communities.

What is Teen Dating Violence?
TDV is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to establish and maintain power and control within a romantic relationship. These behaviors can
take many forms, from physical, sexual, emotional, and verbal abuse to financial abuse, cyber abuse, and stalking.

Signs of Teen Dating Violence

  • Using insults, intimidation, or humiliation
  • Jealousy, insecurity, or controlling behavior
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Unwanted sexual contact of any kind
  • Explosive temper or unusual moodiness
  • Constantly monitoring social media activities or location
  • Invasions of privacy; showing up unannounced
  • Leaving unwanted items, gifts, or flowers
  • Abusing alcohol or drugs
  • Threatening or causing physical violence; scratches, bruises

Parent Involvement
Parents play a crucial role in preventing TDV and other risky behaviors. By fostering open conversations about healthy relationships, red flags of abuse, and the importance of consent, parents can equip their teens with the knowledge and skills to navigate relationships safely. Studies indicate that parent-teen communication about sex is linked to delayed sexual activity and increased use of protection.

Learn more: Talking With Your Teen About Sex

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